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From Script to Site-How to Research, Design, and Deliver Tours

  • Heart of Missouri United Way 105 East Ash Street Columbia, MO, 65203 United States (map)

Join us to learn best practices for writing, designing, and delivering a historical tour for local sites. Dr. Kevin McPartland will be delivering a seminar for CoMo Preservation on how to create and deliver a tour from the ground up. This talk will appeal to all audiences, from researchers interested in creating a tour on their own, to those who simply want to learn how to deliver information consistently and effectively for a wide audience. There will be a one-hour seminar followed by a tour of the Columbia Cemetery, with a special emphasis on the United States Colored Troops (USCT) buried on the grounds.

This event is free but reservations are required (limited spots available).

Dr. Kevin McPartland is a historian of the American Civil War and the South. He is a practicing public historian currently serving as a visiting professor in the University of Missouri history department. Last summer, he researched, coordinated, and delivered a guided talk and tour around the USCT graves in the Columbia Cemetery as part of the city's Juneteenth celebration. 

Meeting space provided by Heart of Missouri United Way. Thank you!

All CoMo Preservation’s monthly meetings feature a guest speaker on historic preservation and/or historic properties in Columbia, Missouri, and are open to the public and held in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library.

March 25

Recognizing a Lost Past: Lessons from Jefferson City’s Legacy Historic District

May 3

How to Document Oral Histories of a Historic Place-Missouri Theatre