The Advocacy Team of CoMo Preservation will empower individuals and organizations to advocate for historic preservation and take steps toward preserving the buildings, places, and spaces they love.
We encourage property owners to apply for recognition with the city’s Most Notable Property program and/or the federal National Register of Historic Places. Neither designation protects a property from demolition. Instead, the recognition could be a step toward preserving the property and its neighborhood. The NRHP designation may make a property eligible for federal and state historic tax credits. A MNP or NRHP designation does not restrict the use of the property. Nor do the designations restrict the property owner from altering the building. These designations are honorary only.
To protect a building or property from demolition or specific alterations, explore other preservation tools such as a Local Landmark, Local Historic District, or a Preservation Easement.
To join the Advocacy Team, come to a meeting listed on our Event Calendar or Contact Us.