Become a member and join our mission to preserve the historic places and spaces we love.
An Individual Annual Membership is $20; Family-Household Annual Membership, $50; Corporate Annual Membership, $250.
Select the Join button to complete the membership form. If Venmo is your preferred method of payment, go directly to the Givebutter form at https://givebutter.com/uf2cpS.
If you have any questions, please contact us at CoMoPreservation@gmail.com.
We truly appreciate your support in helping to preserve Columbia’s unique architectural history. Either select the Donate button, text “1821” to 53555, or go directly to the Givebutter donation form at https://givebutter.com/como-preservation (best if Venmo is your preferred payment method).
If you have any questions, please contact us at CoMoPreservation@gmail.com.