A Local Historic District is a geographic area that contains properties or buildings that are worth preserving because of their historic merit.

Interior restrictions are limited only to the Landmark properties in each Local Historic District. The District can include exterior restrictions that protect common thematic elements. The property owners themselves determine what restrictions they would like to see in place.

All restrictions should be determined before gathering signatures for a petition for the creation of a Local Historic District. This will allow property owners within the district full consideration before supporting the designation. Whatever elements chosen for restrictions can be reconsidered throughout the process, especially if historical research leads to conflicting findings.

To become a Local Historic District, at least 60% of the property owners in that area need to support the designation. To become a Local Historic District, contact the Community Development Department at 573-874-7239 or at planning@como.gov.

Pictured below are the five Local Historic Districts in the city of Columbia. These are also Local Landmarks. Local Historic District status is required before a Landmark can be selected from the properties within the district.