Thank you to our founding members for their invaluable contribution and dedication to the mission of preserving Columbia's historic architecture.
Bruce Alspaugh | Matt Bear | Jerry Benedict | Melissa Bernhardt | Jennifer Black Cone | Peter Bloch | Virginia Booker | Stephen Bybee | Christopher Cady | Chris Campbell | Bill Clark | Debby Cook | Chris Creasy | Shelly Croteau | Mary Daly | Elizabeth C. DeLange | Janice DeRosier | Tim Dollens | Mary Kaye Doyle | Patrick Earney | Jack Estes | Matt Fetterly | Terry Fetterly | Dennis Fitzgerald | Pat Fowler | Elizabeth Garrett | Lissa Gaw-Orscheln | Sarah Goodnow Riley-Land | Linda Harlan | Barbara Hoppe | David James | Sarah Justice | Randall Kilgore | Kim Klaproth | Michelle Lancaster | McKenzie Lehmann | Scott March | Cindy McCord | Marilyn McLeod | Melinda Moellering | Janice Morris | Bob Nolte | Faye Nowell | David O’ Brien | Dianna O’Brien | Rachel Penn | Julie Plax | Paul Prevo | Christiane Quinn | Paige Reed | Scott Robinson | Ann Rogers | Nina Sappington | Sharon F. Schattgen | Barbara Schneider | Sarah Seat | Deb Sheals | James Sherman | Sarah Smith | Thomas Southall | Nancy Thomas | Stacey Thompson | Elena Vega | Dan Viets | Christine Walthall | Dee Wasman | Patrick Westhoff | Debra Wheeler | Scott Wilson | Jill Womack