Feb. 1 Event: Learn how you can be a part of preserving our historic architecture
Join us at Shakespeare’s Pizza-South, 6 p.m. on February 1, to network with others who are passionate about preserving Columbia’s historic architecture. Learn more about the ways you can support our mission and make an impact. Bring your ideas such as partnering with a local group, how we can contribute to existing events in the community, sponsorships, tell your story about a historic building near and dear to your heart, bring photos to share on our blog, ideas for walking tours, etc.
For planning purposes, RSVP by January 31.
Interested in volunteering but cannot make the event? Email CoMoPreservation@gmail.com to be added to our volunteer list.
CoMo Preservation is devoted to helping homeowners, landlords, and institutions prevent the destruction of historic architecture. Original period styles might be replicated, but will forever lack the social history of authentic structures. The preservation of historic places and spaces gives people a sense of place and boosts Columbia’s economy. You can get involved by volunteering, signing up for our mailing list, attending an event, becoming a member and donating.